Training the Sharpest Tools in the Shed

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It’s almost harvest season in Indiana. That means business — quite literally. It’s the beginning of a new quarter, and there is plenty of fresh clientele to pick from the prospective fields. But harvesting the right clients means setting the groundwork with the sharpest tools in the shed.

Yes, that was one huge gardening metaphor for recruiting and training great people — but a good one, right? Since mid-May, has welcomed three new employees to our team. Within two weeks of their hire dates, each employee was up to speed and thinking big. The trick to keeping them sharp? Training.

Training as a Combination

Not only is it necessary to train new employees, but it’s also necessary to pursue ongoing training for existing ones. Training has to be efficient: quick with high retention. A combination of eLearning and on-the-job training will keep new and existing employees on the same page.

For example, when I hire a new member of our marketing team, they receive digital content that has been created for every member of They also receive marketing-team specific material primarily in digital form. Finally, and exclusively for the topics that are only relevant to their role, do they learn in person.

eLearning Creates Peace of Mind

eLearning is an excellent way to allow employees to train on their favorite devices, wherever they are comfortable, and whenever fits best into their schedules. By using a learning software like, employers can make content that is customizable and track employee progress. Learning softwares like this are accessible on all devices, so employees can cover material no matter where they are — even on the go.

SmileUse eLearning to help new hires get acquainted with the company and learn the basics prior to their start dates. That way, you can ease them into the company. On their first day, you’ll waste no time training for specific roles, and they will feel less overwhelmed with the entire training process.

Cutting Down on Annual Training

Many, if not most, companies have annual training or testing. In this scenario, there are only a couple of days or maybe a week every year for employees to go over new developments, processes, and procedures. With eLearning, on the other hand, employees can review material and be tested on a regular basis, while reducing both training costs and the time it takes to train employees. In-person meeting time can then be used for questions or further review.

This is my favorite part of our business, because it’s often our clients’ favorite part, too. I’m responsible for creating case studies for, and I can’t tell you how many client interviews I’ve been in where the client, unprovoked, says that has help cut their training time in half!

When we hired our shiny new employees, we knew they were the perfect means for our client harvest, but we used a combination of both eLearning and on-the-job training to make them sharp and keep them on point.

By Mitch Causey